howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
regulars here will know that the above organisation initiated a campaign quite a few years back to get rogue property owners to tart up their investements to an acceptable standard.
this was highly successful.
they have found that after a period of time landlords think the heat is off, not so, they have someone going around taking pictures and writing down negelected properties.
cannot our council do the same?
much easier as our roger has already done the donkey work and has a long list of rundown buildings.
we also have to remember that many of the property owners are collecting their rents out of our hard earned taxes making the issue all the more urgent.
Good reminder Howard. This was discussed a couple of year ago, or more. What we got were reasons why it couldn't be done in Dover. They all amounted to the usual excuses for inactivity. Easier to do nothing, than something. Not forgetting of course, some of the run down properties were in the DMC portfolio.
Guest 700- Registered: 11 Jun 2010
- Posts: 2,868
Even one run-down building makes others think 'Why should I bother'.
If you have property you should maintain it. It costs less in the long run, and keeps its value.
Good idea to go round taking pictures of everything which is run-down - any offers?
Lincolnshire Born and Bred
Noticed that it was the Leader of Council at Hastings who has suggested that property owners get their properties in good order, of course Hastings done this with a fairly good result a few years ago
I have in the past through this forum mentioned how Hastings actioned owners of derelict/bad repair buildings under section 215. Several other towns with such eyesores have also had success.
It is unfortunate that our Council (DDC) are not interested in using section 215 in Dover due to the "high costs" involved. Although they have exercised this on a property in Sandwich (co-incidence that the CE I believe lives in Sandwich)
It only needs one or two examples that make owners put property in good order and other propery owners with buildings in disrepair soon get the message
I delivered over a year ago to The Chief Exec and Leader at DDC a picture portfolio but very little has been done...only a lick of paint on theWeatherspoon owned property in Castle Street.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
I dissagree ,there are several properties which have or are in the process of being done up .Recently I was speaking with officers at DDC.I understand some properties corner of Biggin Street with Worthington Street are receiving attention
It is a very slow prcess.I have stated before some of the Landlords are absent and trying to communicate with them takes time .
When people have been asked what are their top priorities are for spending Council Tax on Empty Properties was not high on the list .Anti Social Behaviour ,Litter is top ..THe old Church corner of Priory Hill was well on the way for use again when fire struck Still an insurance job .
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
Is there not a time limit within which they must reply before the Council take unilateral action.If not,then all the landlord has to do is continue ignoring DDC's letters,requests and demands.
ie: Failure to reply to this Third Warning (whatever) within three months of the above date will result in the compulsary purchase of your property....or something to that effect...
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
how much council tax would be used in sending out a few letters?
with regard to tracing owners, there are usually estate agents boards outside.
Just seize the property by whatever means. The recalcitrant owners will magically appear from under their rocks; then they can be served with Section 215 notices.
It requries a willingness to take action, rather than what Dover is being noted for, INACTION!!