I bought one of their scanner/printer/copier jobbies six months or so ago. Got it working OK at its primary job, scanning into my Paperport system.
Then it went online and conducted an automatic software update.
Yesterday I went to scan as usual and it did not work.
Two hours re-booting and trying all sorts of things I eventually found a phone number for support.
Nice chap in Mumbai, 2 hours yesterday on the phone, deleting drivers, downloading more etc. etc. Still did not get working yesterday. He rang back this morning as promised and I spent 2 1/2 hours again on the phone. more deleting, more downloans re-boot after re-boot and its still not working....
So I am left with a pile of crap basically. I have done no work yesterday afternoon or this morning as a result and have wasted hours on the phone.
Spoken to my supplier, told the the kit is not fit for purpose and they can have it back and want a replacement, but not a HP product. I will never touch anything HP ever again.
Just waiting for my supplier to call back now.
Spleen vented, time for lunch and maybe I might get some work done but cant scan, at least not on my pc anyway.