The post you are reporting:
You can never please all of the people all of the time, so whatever is decided, someone is not going to be happy.
It was brought before the Planning Committee last night and I couldn't speak because I am now Dover Business Support Manager.
When the DTIZ came up before the planning committee, I couldn't speak then because I ran the Dover Loyalty Scheme.
Developments like Westwood Cross have killed the Towns of Margate and Ramsgate - there's no need for people to go into those Towns as there is also a large Tesco and Sainsbury's close by.
The other side of the roundabout is a big new BHS etc. alongside the already running Matalan, Comet, pets shop, carpet shop etc. etc.
If they could condition the application, so that only large bulky items such as fridges, freezers washing machines, cookers etc. could be sold up there, then it wouldn't harm the Town at all; but doesn't Delmaines in the High Street sell these items ?
Towns will survive if people can be "inventive" and run a business that wouldn't/couldn't be duplicated up at Whitfield; we need specialist shops, bespoke service and products, but most of all, our shops need YOUR SUPPORT.
There was a move sometime ago by the Government (I guess this one as it's been in power for a long time) that were stopping "Out of Town" developments because of their negative impact on town centres.
We had the opportunity for MacArthur Glen a good few years back, but that was stopped and as we know, it went to Ashford.
Ashford Town centre didn't die because of MacArthur Glen, it thrived actually and had new developments a couple of years or so ago.
Dover businesses definitely need support and promoting; people need to support their Town; I would have thought that most Dover businesss would have done very well during December, but sadly, from talking to them, some have not - and if shops don't do well in December, when will they ?
We won't get new shops in Dover until businesss can see the current ones are being supported and are thriving, not just surviving.
At the moment, I'm not sure about this development - it could kill Dover, or it could be our Saviour and I'm not sure which it will be.