Just think you needed a rest from me, but I have been on the side line reading, but I know you have all miss me so much. The light has been on but no one in. I am working on some new storys to tell you all over the next few weeks but for now it is all about geting ready for this great weekend ahead of us all, with only working part-time now I and my wife are geting out more in the sun, and it look like it is with us all this weekend.aS YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE OPEN PAGE I have my lads all ready for the Dragon boat race on Saturday and as always I will be singing in the choir on Sunday afternoon, I am sorry to tell you my spelling is still very bad but one word I CAN SPELL IS"Spelling" I also know some of you like to have ago at me from time to time so please feel free to carrie on with that ,I like it.