The post you are reporting:
I thought my post might generate a response, Barry! Nonsense is, after all, hardly an adjective suitable for one of the greatest economists ever - but my point was more an illustration that too much, far too much, emphasis is given to economics from a text book. What is needed in the UK above all else is a change of government, but second to that is a greater degree of trying to do what is best for the country and abandoning this dogma of the party in power's beliefs being correct at all times and in all contexts.
It is OK to disagree with party colleagues on any given subject, and that is something that has been forgotten. I agree with you when you describe 'Brown economics' as being (largely) a misinterpretation of Keynesian doctrine, but it's not a million miles from much in the Tory think tank. Sadly, the fact that the two major parties are closer in economic theory than many believe is overshadowed by a fundamental difference in how the economy is managed; an example of that is that I believe a Tory government would have handled the banking crisis far better than Labour because more stringent economics would have been applied to banks that necessity has forced the government to bale out. I don't believe that the bonus culture would have been permitted until every penny forked out to Northern Rock, Lloyds and RBS had been repaid, more along the American lines; however that's conjecture and speculation. What is fact is that adherence to rigid economic theorem undermines an economy that fluctuates constantly, and its time that the major players acknowledged that and bought it into practice.
PSBR is out of control and we, the tax payer, are suffering as a result with all these cutbacks in public services - even here in Dover with our toilets being shut!