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I THink paulb hasaid it #all.
Although Barryw and others wil say there is no class system wot we do have is one rule for them and another for us plebs.
Theres so many instances of it;
To name but a few
Bonus's paid to big company directors even though they are earning(wrong word)100's of thousands before the bonus, and some the compsany could be failing but they still get the dosh.
One thing i always admired maggie for was her determination to smash the plebs but look after her own.
Maybe the labour party couldl learn from it in there people it feels it represents.
Politics is dieing cos people see no diffrfence in the parties(of course theres big diffrences) and the lack of engagement, i rarely if ever see a cllr or candidate imn my road.
But back to the posting, I hope it doesmn't sutrvive if it means those weorking people will have to suffer lolw wages, p;oor conditions., poor working practices, anyti trade union legislation, the list is endless
So i wsill pleased to see end to capitalism sooner the better
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