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    I don't think Capitalism is dead and don't think it will be in my lifetime either. I do however have all kinds of problems with the notion of morality within a capitalism system. What defines someone as achieving within the world of capitalism and have these descriptors necessarily got anything to do with morals. Surely the morally right thing (and this is in my opinion) would be to pay taxes into the very system that facilitated your earning in the first place (not to mention, your education, health and well being) By people taking personal responsibility we actually undermine the whole principle of morality, after all ethics are defined by, and define society, not individuals. Unless of course we are talking about personal morality, which is a personal view of ethics is used by individuals in a Robin Hood style. "It's OK I stole, as my family are hungry" Does this 'shark a shark' mentality apply to other criminals, no because society has put laws in place to define what is wrong (a moral judgement based on consensus, a common sense) These laws and morals unfortunately require a certain amount of bureaucracy to uphold, a downside admittedly!

    A personal take on morality leads to people substantiating greedy behaviour with models like the laffer curve and comments such as "It was shown that lower taxes on higher earners actually increases the level of tax revenue raised from the higher earners" What they always fail to be achieve is to define where the parabola peak of these models are, simply because things just aren't that simple.

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