Absolutely with you there Terry. In my last job in London I made a point of having a non-smoking break up to the same time as the smokers, which cheesed them off as it drew attention to the time off they were accruing. But as we were mates they forgave me!!! Some even tried to give up on the back of it. I have to add that it puts me off shops and businesses if I see their employees smoking outside - I just know that they will stink if I am unlucky enough to have to deal with them in the shop or business, and they simply look unprofessional and grubby.
PaulB has nailed it, chaps - the smoking ban has moved the goalposts and no amount of whinging about repealing it will turn the clock back. Times move on, business develops and moves on and adapts to customer need - or it doesn't and it goes bust. That's life.