The post you are reporting:
John, I've never heard such drivel: "the erosion of our Instinct of Humanity by rampant consumerism under the guise secularisation". This is utter nonsense and somewhat insulting to us secular atheist types. You're making a sweeping generalisation that if you are not of a religion then you are stone-cold dead inside, consumed by materialistic hollowness. I don't know if you yourself are religious but you demonstrate the very arrogant view of someone who is, looking down on us "lost souls" who don't believe a word of that ancient rubbish.
Religion is the single most harmful thing in any society and has done far more damage to the world than any binge drinkers, consumerism, drug abuse, hoodies, rapists, murderers, TV addicts, or anything else. You may argue that churches offer some community-based comfort zone but I argue that they offer nothing more than mass mind-control under the guise of their own certainty. I much prefer the uncertainty and doubt of atheism. It's very liberating.
Keith, you say "Catholics and Church of England all are suffering, is this a good thing?". I always thought the very core value of Catholicism is to cause suffering and guilt on the followers. Isn't it supposed to make followers righteous or free of sin or something?