The post you are reporting:
Well, I`ve been an athiest for longer than Richard Dawkins. As you can see from one of my posts, my beliefs lie with what I see beyond this world as opposed to somebody who nobodys ever seen here. I always respect other peoples beliefs, as I was once a believer myself. Despite all this though, I still love to look at old churches, and inside where possible, though only from an historical interest. I still like listening to hymns. Also used to find it interesting talking to the jehovas witnesses when they came round. I have found in the last couple of years though, they`re educating themselves more with science, and try and convert you via that. They`ve tried it with me several times, but being my special subject, they soon back off, and you can see they`ve been `programmed`. Anyway, I don`t put them down, I just get annoyed when they `use` science for their own ends.