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You realy gone for this one, heres my small view.
Having gone through all the catholic schools and sunday church till knew better, IU can tell you the catholics are very much far from perfect!!!
I, like many other catholics could give you some real horror stories of what we witnessed.
But then you move over to the C of E let me tell you why they to get it wrong, a good example was when, with 5 other couples we visited a church for a regulr meeting
One of the couples wanted to know more, and so innocently asked the vicar leading the discussion, whats the diffrence between catholics and C of E ?
to me a good question, but the vicars wife who was not part of the discussion group shouted across the room
"we are right, and they are wrong""
I did ask the vicar if he wanted to comment/agree or disagree on this, but sadly from that moment on, the meetings went down hill.
By the way both vicar and his wife didnt stay in post long after that, last i heard he was let loose in Bath (avon)And I worry for the people there if the vicar and wife hold the same view points.
ON the question of belief, its a hard nut to crack, who's right, who's wrong?
this debate will go on and on