The post you are reporting:
In the past, in the nineteenth century, serge led the men up Western Heights, and thousands of soldiers dug the moats, built the barracks and placed all the bricks along the cliff's walls within the deep trenches. They just did it! No traffic tunnel about a mile long would cost anything near that in terms of labour, as a tunnel doesn't need to be that deep from bottom to top and because modern machinery does most of the hard work, and there would be no need for barracks in a tunnel.
Again, serge led the men up Eastern Heights and they excavated miles of tunnel under the cliff's surface around the Castle, in the twentieth century!
We could certainly be able to make a tunnel under Townwall Street and Snargate Street in the twenty-first century, in Dover, instead of having a motorway running through our town and poisoning us. If we look at what Serge and his men did and we inherited, we would be making the project and recruiting a few regiments of workers, and just go and do it, may-be with some modern machinery that does all the hard work! The chalk is not too difficult to make a tunnel in, and Dover is situated on chalk ground, so it wouldn't be like building a tunnel under the Alps, which are made of granite and marble. If one day we get UKIP councillors in, may-be we will just go and do it!
Personally I do not believe that we should be spending 50 billion pounds on a nuclear sub project to aim missiles around the world, but invest our energy and savings in creative projects, the Union Jack Flying High.
Our Fair Lady's Light-tower Church standing overlooking Dover, the Garden and the Sea!
Today I joined the UKIP and intend to make the best of it.