The post you are reporting:
We all thought didnt we, that the arrival of CCTV cameras all over our society, would keep crime off our streets. Everybody said so, all the experts said it, was the new wave in crimefighting..wasnt it? alas sadly no it hasnt turned out that way.The goodwill blip was shortlived.
The cameras have proved to be almost useless. They have cost billions and billions to install all over the country, and even within my own peripheral view a new one has arrived on the Gateway roof. They have only just taken it out of the packaging. But why bother, the police themselves have said that they are effective in less than 3% of cases.
The problem is that they are easily fooled and besides nobody gives a rats ass anymore whether they are photographed or not.The criminals dont anyway. There is no centre image database anywhere, so for example if I go to Nuneaton, chuck a brick thru a jewellers window, grab a rolex or two, smile at the cameras and comeback home to Dover, nobody will ever know who I am. Then of course there is the rise of the hoodie anyway. A low tech design easily able to counteract all the hi tech goldfishery. Wear a hood and cripple the technology!
Sadly now though we have sleepwalkd into a surveilance society, more cameras here than anywhere else in Europe, and the surveilance is useless. It can probaly tell if I go to Tesco or not on a regular basis, but as for crime!? According to the police yesterday.." they have failed to cut crime"