The post you are reporting:
Bob, you can stand up straight now and stop talking out of yer rear-end. (#9)
From a very, very early age I knew the consequences for committing murder were to get the neck stretched by a rather big rope. I sat up in the mornings with my parents and waited for the news to tell us that "so and so" went to the gallows at 6am (or whatever time) and has been executed for the murder of ......". The book closed, retribution and punishment doled out. Grieving victims family given a chance to move on. Murderers family time to live through a difficult period. No furhter victims, no further cost to tax payer to look after the undescribably evil.
AND, I might add, the fact that these two MONSTERS commited this heinous crime at such a young age makes them the EXCEPTION, never the rule. You can be sure 99.9999999999% of children of their age KNOW torture and murder is very wrong, whatever backgrounds they come from. To suggest we all ight have that in us at that age is, quite frankly, not worthy of you.
Maybe if we had a strong enough punishment as a deterrent, little Jamie Bulger might be enjoying adulthood now instead of rotting in a grave somewhere. But, then again, perhaps his kidnappers/torturers/killers should just be executed so he and his family finally get peace. If a volunteer is needed to do the deed I'll step forward along with several million others.