Should be a great night. "Last Night of the Proms" on the Big Screen with a big crowd singing along and hopefully waving masses of union jacks. The Big Screen is certainly living up to expectations and it is still three years before the Olympics for which it is intended.
The alcohol ban is the thin edge of the wedge. It was pretty obvious that alcohol would be next after the success with banning smoking. A great number of pubs have closed down as a direct result of the smoking ban, and more since with the recession etc, so banning one addictive pleasure is inexorably leading to the banning of the other. Article below refers:
"And so it begins. The British Medical Association (BMA) is calling for Britain to become the first country to ban alcohol advertising, sponsorship and promotions. We know it won't end there. This line of attack was the first front in the war against smoking, and it appears alcohol is now in the health lobby's sights."
Regarding the esoteric posts concerning peeing on one's hands. Reminds me of the song "My brother Sylveste" with a little bloke going on about his big brother Sylvester who could perform superhuman feats of strength and endurance.
..........Read no further if you are easily offended, I don't want to land up in a Rogergate........
Little bloke is having a pee in the Gents in a pub and says "I wish I had a willy like my brother Sylveste. He needs ten fingers to hold his!" His mate looks across and says "But you're holding yours with ten fingers" and the little bloke says sadly "Yes, but I'm peeing on nine of them!"