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I agree with Marek and Andrew,this Town has declined since the 2nd World War,but to allow mass building of Offices and Houses in Whitfield is also off the Mark,I have spoken to Andrew about this.If we look at Connaught Buckland Mill Western Docks and all the other areas that we could build on now,fill in the areas that have been empty for along time some as long ago as the 2nd W.W. fill the empty properties especially above the shops in the Town Centre.Then look at all the Brown Field sites in the area then we would probably be able to match the number that all the Goverment plans and LDF want.
As for the Hospital......Yes regeneration will follow the building of the Hospital in the Town it will also aid it,Flood plain,well about 50 % OF US live in the flood plain area,if you live near the Dour or the Seafront,and is it a problem.Marek is right it is a scare tactic,by those who want to see a Hospital build at Whitfield because we can get around that.
The reason why the Hospital site was chosen for the Town Centre was maximum access for the general population.The arguement for a all singing dancing Hospital has been long and hard,but we were never going to and never wii get a Hospital like we knew it.
The main reason for this is that East Kent has 2 large Hospitals when tha population numbers mean we should have 1.5 Hospitals in the Area,so the £20 million we have got would never have financed a Full Hospitals,plus the Local Doctors are the ones who said that they want all Hospital Beds in one or two Hospitals.They did not want them in Dover.Now the site chosen may not be the best site as it is too small and lacks parking,but the alternative was take it out of the Town or back at Buckland.The problem was Access as it was always a problem because of the railway bridge and traffic lights.
So why is there a campaign to have the Hospital at Whitfield,well it has the space but I believe it is because there is a Count Council election coming up and I bet at least one of the campaigners stands and uses that as the reason for standing.
Where would you want the Hospital if you lived in say Shepherdswell.Train to Dover walk to the bus station then Bus to Whitfield,or train to Dover then short walk.