The Libdems are in disarray at grass roots. Following the double triple somersaulting by their management team of Nick Clegg and Uncle Vince and the tall red one, nobody believes in them anymore. So desperate were they to get a sliver of two bit power (lets face it they slimely salivated at the prospect), that they sold their souls to get it, as Marek said. This resulted in total credibility freefall. They did a back flip somersault of Olympian skill to justify the fibbing in their manifesto on vat, on schools, on cuts, well the list is so long.
In order to provide an opposition, the Libdems rank and file are doing the right joining Labour. Once the good ship Milliband hits top gear a real revival will take place in Labours fortunes. Lets be clear and remember, the Conservatives did not win this election. They are being propped up by the hopeless and the desperate!