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    I have to agree with Mandi,yes parts of London Road are in Tower Hamlets,but so is Salisbury Road,Park Avenue and Castle Avenue(Part).To claim the whole of Tower Hamlets is dangerous is rubbish.I walk and Cycle that route from London Road to Buckland Bridge every day,and as in many other areas there are some undesirables that you meet,but the People of Tower Hamlets are diamonds.
    This is one of the most depressed areas of Dover with St Rads,Buckland yet there is almost a village atmosphere inside the Ward,Bern is right.
    Yet there is no community Centre like Triangles or Buckland Community Centre,the only thing the old part of the Ward(excluding the former Barton area) has is 3 schools 2 churches,2 nurseries,yet apart from Traffic Problems when twice a day it gets cut off,it is a multi-culterural commuinty that in general get on with each other,yes there are always problems with Anti -Social behaviour but that can happen anywhere.
    The People of Tower Hamlets live in the Centre of Dover and they are the Heart of this Town,and in general having lived there for over 20 years i wouldn't swop them for any other community in the Town.
    It is about time you dooom and gloom lads,ease up and put your enengy in making the Town better,instead of having a go,put your money and your ideas up,stand for Council,if you think you could do better lets see you stand instead of sniping at everyone and everything that is trying to make this Town better.
    In just under 3 years you could stand for Council,if you think you could spend the amount of time and effort into putting things right,I look forward to you standing on the door-steps of Tower Hamlets telling them what you have said on here.

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