Been up London all day today, and it`s been a glorious sunny Winter`s day up there. To my deep regret, I forgot to take the camera with me, and perhaps through being on this forum with all of the topics, I took so much more notice of all the tourists and citizen`s of so many nationalities, and thought, if we could only attract those numbers down here, (but on a smaller scale of course), we`d really be in business. Besides being the capital, has London got any shops or attractions there that would be of interest down here? I`ve always loved London, and just like wandering round up there and losing myself. And you don`t need a wad of notes either. What about the rest of you? I also wandered in WHS at the station, and found something to interest a few of you out there, and that will be my next topic. Coincidence, or was I guided to it?