Kicked the diet into touch until after I move.My stress levels which to be honest I normally keep well under control have been all over the place recently.Natascha has been unwell and off school requiring 24/7 love care and attention.
My wife and son are already in Jersey and I have endless phone calls asking me such daft questions as "What should I eat for Dinner" or "what number bus runs from St Helier to St Lawrence?" and I am supposed to ring them back with all the answers..argh....
I have done what WC Fields recommended and turned to the bottle "it was the making of himmm" and "it was a Filipino women that turned me to drink...and I never had the decency to write and thank her" or something very similar.
So John I look forward to your cakes
Thanks David obviously I shall bring some booze as well as the grub...hope Guzzler manages to get some of that German oberfuhrer ziegheil achtung lager..it was pretty dam good.