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     christine.a wrote:

    I say improve on what you have. It would make a great difference.

    Correct. Dover will start improving when it stops trying to be like everywhere else with a sodding Nandos and a multi-plex cinema and starts marketing itself on what makes it unique and what it has in spades.

    History, history and history.

    Unfortunately gimmicks like the taser fountain and the bloody cable car suggest that powers that be are more interested in turning the town into a poor mans Alton Towers rather than a historic destination on a par with Bath, Winchester or York to name but three sucessful towns, not one of which has the two millenia of English History which Dover should be shouting about.

    The strap-line could be 'Dover, Too Much to do in One Day' (which there honestly is).

    Instead we've got 'Come to Dover, It's a Bit Like Everywhere Else but not Quite as Good'.

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