From the homepage (quote)
"I do not think it is right to show the Mayor leting her hair down, By all means have agood night out on her birthday but not put it in the public eye like it has been on the forum,she is this year in a high public office, and should only be seen as the public would expect.This does not mean she is not making a good mayor but she must be seen as a mayor for that year 24/7
Vic Matcham, 21 September 2009 at 12:31 pm"
Vic, can I assume that you dislike a lady with tattoos? I can think of nothing else that you would find offensive about the photos of our mayor having a bit of a knees up on her birthday? Quite frankly I am amazed at your comments and want to brign them out on the main forum. I have never met Sue (but I hope I do one day) and I have to say that I've noticed her tattoos too, and her seemingly very down-to-earth appearance. She looks like "one of us", a "real" person, a real Dovorian, instead of some pimped-up ultra clean-cut impression of officialdom which few can actually live up to anyway. I think those photos of Sue and her daughter having a good night out are great - and good for Sue for being spirited enough to embrace her individuality and show off her body art! The very fact that she is a tattooed mayor is really ACE! I think this thing "only looks bad" to you if you yourself have an issue to deal with. Dover found these matters so irrelevant and inoffensive that the lady made it to the top job and more power to her elbow.
And what, please tell me, does the "public expect"? Why should this lady not be seen letting her hair down? She doesn't appear to be drunk, dancing naked on club tables, snogging a bartender, or performing indecent acts of any sort. She is merely out with her family, cutting a cake, with a few balloons in the background. If these three harmless images betray public expectation then I would love to know why. I am on the opposite side of the fence to you, I would much rather our public officials DID show their more human, down-to-earth lives a bit more as it makes them more accessible and engaging.
Sue Jones, I don't know if you read the forum but you're alright by me girl
An happy 40th - mine is next year so you have my sympathy