The post you are reporting:
Whilst I am not overly concerned at Tesco's problems, I am concerned that
a) the town centre was deserted today and very quiet yesterday, yet Charlton Green, mostly Morrisons, was heaving.
b) Somerfield, in particular, and the other food retailers in the town centre are also being badly affected by this
c) shop staff may well lose their jobs
Whilst I was, and am, in favour of Morrisons as I think we needed to pull people down the hill from Whitfield, the challenge now is to get these people to come into the town centre. Retailers & landlords in town, along with the DTC, DDC & Business Support Manager need to think about how this might be achieved. I would suggest some or all of the following:
a) tidy up the town centre and High Street including getting rid of all the chewing gum on the pavements
b) board out the vacant shops and use them for displaying art by local artists or school murals, perhaps a competition amongst the local schools?
c) put on events in Pencester Park, or the Market Square every weekend to attract people. How about letting local musicians, drama groups or dance troupes put on shows? Or a monthly Continental Market?
d) improve signage from Charlton Green & Charlton Centre multi-storey to let people know how to get to the town centre, perhaps getting retailers to sponsor ones that show which shops are where?