The post you are reporting:
Unlike yourself, I'm avoiding making this a party political issue as it just switches people off, mine has been my personal view, which I have given since this forum began. and long before on other forums.
I'm fully understanding both the mood/postings, and whilst you may not like what I'm posting cos it don't agree with your tory political stuff, there are many areas we agree.
I'm not here to congratulate any party leader, its about a system that has lost the trust of the public, before all this came into the open politicians were the most distrusted, so were already on the back foot.
This latest episiode will just switch off more and more people, and DC won't sort this alone, it needs every party to back a new system, a credible system, not playing politics with it.
I hope this can be resolved as quickly as possible, as has been said by Harry and others dissolving H.OC. won't sort it, the system needs urgent reform with ALL PARTY support, my fear is that party politics will come before the more serious matter of the making of a credible system.
I hope i'm wrong