The post you are reporting:
From the Daily Telegraph:
Unfortunately, there is no mechanism for removing an MP from office, other than by a vote of the whole House, and such votes are exceedingly rare. We must rely instead on the willingness of Honourable Members to do the decent thing; we may be in for a long wait.
Hence we have to wait for them to step down.
Regarding MEPs pay and allowance I found this breakdown on the Open Europe blog:
Open Europe has found that the expenses we're referring to are no small matter - amounting to an enormous £363,000 a year per MEP. This is on top of the basic salary of £83,282 (representing a huge pay rise for UK MEPs from June onwards) £41,573 in 'transition payments' when they leave office, and pension rights of up to £30,000 for a single five-year term.
The expenses break down as follows:
£36,778 in 'subsistance allowances' (£259 a day for 142 days of the year)
£5,885 in language and IT courses
£87,407 in travel expenses (the EP's budget for 2009 puts aside €77,988,000 for 'ordinary travel expenses', which works out at €99,347 for every MEP)
£3,756 in 'additional annual travel allowance'
£183,776 in staff allowances, and
£45,648 in office expenses (£3,804 a month)
In June, there will be a slight change to the rules, which will mean that MEPs will be required to produce receipts for their travel expenses for the first time - however, offsetting that, is a new, explicit reference to 'business class' for flights even within the EU - raising the barrier instead of lowering it.