I think we are all very upset with what has happen to our town over the years and look to see hwo we can blame for it, and what party Reds, blues, councils E,T,C, but having been in Dover all my live and that is 67years yes there have been alot of mistakes made and bad management, and the change of sea sides Town aswell, but that is all in the pass it is today and the next ten years we are looking at, and still there is far tomuch talking of what is going to happen and the changes that are going to be done, (So what you might be saying that must be good".
i also say yes to that But have we not been told that for the pass five years and what has happen,
i am sorry to say we are still going backwards, the town is even not so good as it was five years ago, so please if there is not going to be any improvements now, I say to the council do stop talking about them all you doing is driving in the wedge beween you and the public, if you can not deliver what you said was going to be done then please just tell the true story or say nothing
Vic Matcham