Colin, I think that howard was refering to the installation of Trevor Willmott!
Whilst I hope no-one will accuse me of Bashing the Bishop, nevertheless,having read his profile it would appear that he is a 'real foodie' and is looking forward to eating oysters at Whitstable, drinking wine from the Weald and visiting the Hop Festival at Faversham as well as following Kent Cricket Club. I note that none of the things he is looking forward to happen on his 'patch' but there you go.
In spite of extensive research all I can find is a statement from good old Rowan that Trev has 'a powerful vision for the church in Contemporary society' whatever that means. Presumably more bloody council subsidised Diwali ceremonies to show how politically correct we are, to the half dozen Sikhs who live in Dover District.
I am unable to find out however if he believes in 'God' although I am not sure that this is any longer a pre-requisite for advancement in the Church of England nowadays.
What a shame that Dover does not appear to attract the calibre of Bishop that Rochester does, where the excellent Dr Michael Nazir-Ali has at least had the courage to stick to orthodox church teaching on homosexualists and warns of the dangers of the spread of Mohammadism in this country.