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I agree Sid, Barry is as straight as a die.
I'm also one who rolls up the trouser leg (or used to) Howard, but that didn't make any difference, nor should it, those who sacked me were/are also Freemasons, so that's a big red-herring.
It's not a Masonic problem, it's problem with two senior people at the Chamber.
I had a suggestion put to me yesterday, that maybe the salary is still £9,500, if the BSM (as Colin calls him) is only working part-time.
Maybe it suits Spencer, as he is still working hard outside the BSM job - and that is not casting aspirtions on him.
If this is the case (that's it should be a part-time job), why would one of the most important jobs in Dover, be valued as just a part-time one ? Defies logic or what ?
If this is the case, it allows the Chamber of Commerce to argue (in my view wrongly) they should keep the Town and District Council money as they now have a DBS Manager in place.
I would argue they have not completed their part of the agreement and have in fact taken both Councils for a ride.