I see in the local information sheet that Cllr Cowan and three cohorts left the mayor-making buffet in a hissy fit! An "insider" adds that they will not have anything to do with the Town Council over the next year and that the new mayor will sink for going against Labour policy. Oh dear, a real case of not having the best interests of the town at heart but personal profile. Surely if the new mayor has not the qualities needed (and I don't know whether she has or not) they should stay at the heart of things to guide and advise? And is no-one now allowed to express an opinion of any kind that is not labour policy? Being a political tyro I was suprised to learn that the mayor cannot be elected outside the Labour Party, at least at the moment.
Guest 670- Registered: 23 Apr 2008
- Posts: 573
I m afraid that it just shows the level in which local politics has sunk and the breed of Councillor that purports to govern us, more interested in primary school squabbles between themselves than representing the town.
Diana all the time we have this petty in fight squabbling this town will never get anywhere.
Well said!!! You often wonder if the leaders serve the town or the town serves the leaders? I think they sometimes lose their senses and forget what they are really here to do.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
much the same at district level (ok not quite as bad), but sometimes personalities seem to outweigh the needs of the town.
we have seen too much of this recently,in public.
i shudder to think what goes on behind the scenes.
Guest 652- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 595
I 'm a supposed cohort that came away from the mayor making, I left the do as stated before the event that this was going to happen, Councillor Royston and I never stay after these events, so why a big deal is being made of it now I don't know. I wish the informer would get their facts right, I attended a meeting tonight, and supported what needed to be supported, and voiced opinions, at that meeting there was Councillor Jones, Councillor Phillpott, Councillor Frayne, and myself.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Sheila you have said it all.
well done
to even these diuscussions out as i said in previoius postings last year the present maYOR didnt get her way so stormed out of the meeting
so last year it was ok for her not to accept a democratic decision and this year its not
I'v stated here before, no one walked out, in fact the 1 member who is supposed to have walked out returned to speak with cllrs for some 25 minutes.
Also as iv said the local media(well one local rag)is out to cause probs
I presume they feel it sells papers?? we can see by them having to close there office that they have misjudged it.
It will be a tough year for the mayor who was part of a group, thats a choice thing, now shes in a minority so it won't be easy
Lets just watch how things go
Brian Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
personly speaking the right person got the job,horses for courses as they say.if gordon c felt let down by his team isnt time to go?.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
Diana you my have missed our MayorMaking coverage on our Open Page/Front Page we had lots of coverage on there before the newspapers with added pictures..always worth checking the frontpage out as we sometimes have a few interesting features there. There was lots of comments on this issue too.

Sorry Paul, did indeed miss it as have been busy with res. ass. work. Just happened to read Express and felt incensed! But if the article is complete fabrication then they should be made to print a retraction.
Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
Diana,I have put my comments on the the open page,I saw Kathy(from the Express) at the Mayor making and she sat in the same row as me,and as I have said the walk out didn't happen,I spoke to The Mayor,Cllr Ronnie Philpott and CllrGordon Cowan,Cllr Viv Revell and Cllr Jan Tranter and Cllr Diane Smallwood all after we went to the reception.
I knew before hand what was going to happen,but what insenced the Labour Group of Cllrs was what Cllr Lloyd said about recycling Mayors after Diane Smallwood had just completed her third term as Mayor and had done an exceptionally good job,as I knew she would as she is a District Councillor in Tower Hamlets Ward with me.
She has unified the Council and got them doing new and exciting things and raised lots of money for charity and raised the profile of the Town Council,then to have a Councillor who has wanted to be Mayor ever since I have been involved 7 years speak about being recycled was an insult.The Town deserves the best person as Mayor,Diane was that last year.Being Mayor is not an easy job,far from it,it needs someone who can do it,wants to do it,and is able to do it.Yes the biggest group decided who they will nominate,and usually because they are the biggest group this goes thru.In politics you get nothing for coming second,eg Paul Watkins wouldn't offer me a job in the Cabinet at DDC because I am from the wrong group,so why are some of the Cllrs on Dover Town Council think the rules are different.
I like Cllr David Lloyd,but he is not even very popular on the Indies side,and year after year he believes he should be Mayor,and what Gordon Cowan said reflected this,he must realise that in this Council Cycle there will never be a Indy Mayor.
I would not acuse the Express of fabrication but they do not know what happened as they rely on tittle-tattle from some Councillors who put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer and then feed it to the Express,so if the Express are given a tit-bit they then use some of the info they get then add thier own slant,which then becomes gospel,when in fact the original info may not be correct in the first place.
The other problem is that Cllr Cowan and the Editor of the Express have previous as I understand that at one stage Cllr Cowan was slaughtered by them,and when the Police investigated found no evidence and was going to the complaints commission they published a one paragraph comment hidden in the depth of the paper saying that no evidence was found,and since that day the Express slaughter everything he does.
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
An interesting take on it all John, wrong, but an interesting take. At the end of the day 18 councillors are elected by their wards to represent them on the Town Council. At the previous meeting and at Mayor Making two thirds of those voted for the person we know will do an excellent job and represent the town and its council well. This is clear democracy and it is a shame that this fuss still goes on with some obviously feeling that it is more important to represent their party to the council rather than those who elected them. Surely we are all elected to represent our electorate on the council and not to just present a party to the electorate?
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I find it sad that an undignified row spilled over to the mayor making. This should (and I thought had) been sorted by councillors before the mayor making. I really cant fathom why the point had to be pushed to that extent as clearly a democratic decision had been made previously.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
that is the point i have been making all along.
all the back biting should be done in private, then a united front from all the town councillors at the mayor making.
Guest 659- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 331
The information didn't only come from councillors. As has been said I was there, I did see the sniping and I know there were people I couldn't see anywhere at the buffet.It was not about slating Gordon Cowan.I included the fact he has made a complaint and why he has done so.The article did not say either Labour camp was right or wrong. There are set ways parties do things and it is up to the individuals involved to decide whether they followed the rules.I reported on an evening I attended and those comments that came from staff as well as councillors.
I have never fabricated an article.
I also am in total agreement that Diane Smallwood has worked very hard and been an good mayor.
Guest 659- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 331
I would add that my information was double-checked the following day (yes, I double check my articles) and the reason why it was in one paper (Keith) is because, as far as I could see, I was the only reporter there.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Lets be honest, as John rightly says(and i'm aware John is more of a fan of the paper mentioned than me) he was there and reported what happened.
I think its sad David Lloyd has decided this continued snipe, as there has been many mayors over the years done a lot to promote and work hard for this town
I'm in full agreement on the full council decision, but prior to this we seem to be forgetting another democratic decision was taken to put forward a candidate and agreed by those present (no body objected!!!!)
then they didnt go along with that democratic decision.
Just so we can get back to disagreeing i think maybe i can put it this way.
over the years within the party i was with i continued to campaign for labour cllrs on town council to either be labour members and abide by those decisions or if they prefer go independent but then the labour party would not leaflet/campaign for them.
Up to the last election all yes all the labour cllrs on selection said they would abide by labour party decisions, and at that time didnt want to be independent.
So Ihave no problem with labour members deciding to run as indies and leave party.
what i do strongly obhject to is people who sign up to be part of a club, get people in the party to run round leafleting/canvassing(with some of them hey don't even come out themselves!!) and agree to abide by the rules!!!
then as soon as elected they decide they are no longer labour they suddenly become indies.
They can't have it both ways.
Of course 6 labour cllrs stayed true to there selection promise
hope chris p you understand where i';m coming from,
of course your against party politics, and that's another issue, this is about, your either in a club or your not, and if you don't want to be in the club then leave and be independent
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i fully agree with what you say keith, however you have not mentioned the embarrassment to all at the ceremony with all the shenanigans.
the only two independent witnesses at the ceremony, paul b and phil have not given a glowing endorsement.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
that has always happened since the indies/tories came on the scene(not blaming them)
once it was more than 1 p;arty sadly politics came before the ceromony even our chris p got involved.
it WILL all settle down after this year, but i'm sure cllrs won't stop working for the town.
Another of the 6 cllrs told me today he to didnt walk out, he attended the mayor making, then as he has done in every other year left because he has a job where he is up late and has to get up early
So it looks like this is all being being blown up for no reason.,
I';m sure internally the labour party will do wot it feels right,
I think the only comment that upset a few cllrs was that by D Lloyd, im sure he could have put it in a better way.
I'v always been of the opinion that decisions should be made at the most l;ocal level but im also wary that councils must act responsibly.
The debate on unitary councils still goes on, im still to be convinced on that one although in time it will probably come
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
the split was between labour councillors.
the comment of mr lloyd was hardly befitting the occasion.
is this the same mr lloyd that was given a remit to sort our river out some time back?
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
yes howard same mr lloyd
you missed my point on indies wot i was trying to say was when it was only 1 party the mayor makng took place without these issues sadly its every year now
Yes the disagreement was between labour cllrs and other labour cllrs who i presume now are independent cllrs?
will be an interesting year