DDC Press Release ****
Dover District Council is laying the foundations for future achievement for regeneration of the district and is making good progress with projects to bring homes, jobs and services to the area, according to a new national report.
The report, by the Audit Commission, says the Council is providing good support to vulnerable people, and has coped well with the recession, offering assistance to local employers and increasing resources in its benefits service. It also says the Council has sound arrangements in place to manage its finances, local people are consulted about spending decisions, and people feel the Council offers good value for money. The Council has an effective approach to partnership working, and is working closely with other East Kent Councils to explore ways of providing more cost effective services.
The report says that local people are concerned about anti-social behaviour, but are satisfied with the Council's response to it. The Council's challenges include to improve sporting facilities, and maintain progress on regeneration plans in the face of recession.
The report is part of the new Comprehensive Area Assessment. This has two strands, one looking at how every Council across the country is performing (an organisational assessment) and the other looking at an entire area and what public sector bodies can achieve together. The organisational assessment grades Dover District Council as performing adequately.
In the Kent-wide assessment, two green flags have been given for major achievements and innovations. The first is for the series of Gateways across Kent, which includes the Dover Gateway, and the other is for improving skills to match Kent's growing economy.
Cllr Paul Watkins, Leader of Dover District Council said: "We are very pleased that this report recognises the foundations for the future in Dover District. We continue to work hard to support and listen to residents and, in these difficult times, we continue to work with all our partners to provide the most effective services and foundations for the future. This is a realistic assessment that identifies the limitations of District Councils to be able to deliver comprehensive change unless supported by wider and progressive partnership organisations. We will continue to be the voice of the community's aspirations, and carry the message to the wider audience about the opportunities that Dover District offers."
For more information, please see the Oneplace website at
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