Prime Ministers Questions is now beginning to get into its newly formed stride. So far its been a tepid affair but what has struck people most and especially the millions who voted Libdem, is that Nick Clegg, the one time new white hope of youth and politics, has been reduced in stature to a David Cameron straight man. He nods and laughs at all his leaders jokes and quips....and sadly now, that is his only role. He isnt allowed to speak. Bizarre bananas.
Speculation is growing now that this new coalition arrangement will finish them off, finish the Libdems off as any kind of force. They have now in effect two parties in the Commons, one part of the party led by Nick Clegg which has been absorbed by the Tories, and the other part appearing to be led by Simon Hughes. BarryW himself speculated on here that Labour were dead and finished in politics..and that the new Libdems will emerge as the real alternative, the real opposition...but no, not so. This situation is very unsatisfactory for fans of Nick Clegg, who for a while there was the darling of the voting nation, but this short lived Clegg exuberance is now as flat as last weeks beer.
Labour on the other hand are far from dead. The Libdems may be in government, sort of, but they are in disarray as a party and as a party unit in Westminster. When Labour eventually get their new leader in place, which will be David Milliband, they will be back on track as a real force.
In the meantime here is a picture of Labour's interim Leader and woman's champion..Harriet Harman, who looked very attractive yesterday, but that could be because Im not getting out enough...