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Wow paulb you started a good one here.
On the forum iv always supported peoples right to post even those that i disagree with.
With the BNP it is that very thin line, the BNP as i dont think anyone disagrees is a racist party but gaining respect because of our political system and our political parties(and non political) or so called
I'm realy unsure on this issue and realy torn on the best route.
To gve racists air time is a worry and the general public(some) do believe wot there hear in papers and on TV
And now the BNP is trying to create this nice suited image
I do fear the increase in this so called party, but i suppose its down to us all as well as the politicians to do summat to stop them gaining ground.
It is worrying this freedom of speech how far do we go with it? clearly the BNP DON'T condemn violence and would be happy a few people were tsaken up dark alleys.
I'm realy concerned on this one, freedom of speech V Racists
its a hard one
wot do others think
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