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Well the notion of free speech is good of course but its the kind of thing that comforts the chattering classes isnt it. The Guardian readers feel good to hear it and the Churchillians love the notion that we will defend to the death everyone's right to it.
But lets push all the grandiose stuff aside and get down to the practical daily living stuff. This BNP leader, as Keef says, not a stranger to violence himself, is on our national TV at breakfast time spouting racist obnoxious rubbish to the nations kids over their sunday morning relaxed cornflakes...with the message "all blacks are bad people" ( that isnt an actual quote but am just illustrating the general gist).
Why give this guy a platform in such circumstances. Its wholly irresponsible. Its an advertisement to their cause as it caught us all unawares. The nations kids are used to seen lovable Dave or cuddly Gordon as are their mums and dads and nobody at all was ready for this.
When people years ago spoke of free speech thay had a soap box on Hyde Park Corner in mind. In the meantime the 1984 revolution came, and the box in the corner is brainwashing all our thinking. Beware what you put on it.
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