The post you are reporting:
One thing that will certainly see the BNP shrink back to the shallow end of the pool is if we all (as a nation) abandon this crap politically-correct culture that chokes us all. Let us speak our minds again like our parents and grandparents used to. Let us complain about the noisy immigrants up the road if we have a complaint, without being called racist. Let us laugh at harmless jokes without publicly humiliating the individual who told it. Let us call a spade a spade, a dwarf a dwarf, and a thicko a thicko. Let us, without shame or regret, express ourselves and embrace our sense of national pride (two things we seem wholly incapable of these days) and we will see our social political sense level up again.
If any of you remember a while ago I made a big posting about why the UK is a crap place to live. The rise of the BNP fits in so perfectly with that. We had some debate over where the decline in our sense of self started, I believe it started in 1997 as Tony took the front door keys of No 10, others believe it was Thatcher and Reagan. But nobody - and I mean NOBODY - is doing anything to fix it. We're either told to shut up or accused of antisocial views (ie racism) if we have non-PC views or a desire to debate a tricky issue; we are constantly told we are the worst at everything; and many UK people are clearly feeling somewhat threatened by Islamic terrorism and yet feel powerless to even comment on the matter let alone do anything else.
Watching the BNP rise is simply no surprise. Quite often extreme politics rise in times of some form of crisis, and the BNP have a lot to play with at the moment. Financial crisis, terrorism, immigration, low self esteem among the native population, endless guilt every time we use a car or an electric light (carbon footprints - don't even get me started on this heap of bulldozer!) - you name it. We seem to be made to feel bad for just about everything these days and who but an extreme party can address such a state of mind?
I would hate to see the BNP take full power and doubt they ever will, but I also think the rise of the BNP does not represent a "racist Britain" as many foreign nationals are claiming. Rather, it represents a suppressed Britain that wants to get away from the stranglehold of PC, and wants to feel its views matter again.