The post you are reporting:
Howard - I don't! But there is more risk for some than for others and some are more vulnerable than others for no other reason than their colour, race or creed. There are, in truth, some minorities who are able to grasp the momentum of public opinion or the collective lack of appetite for the challenge and abuse the majorities!
But I do agree with Rick that some sense has to be injected into the debate - I have known several black people who were, frankly, pants at their job but achieved promotion because firstly people were scared to object and secondly they were in the right place at the right time to capitalise on the PC agenda. That may sound racist, but I am confident it isn't because I am not!!! (And I know some white people have similar "good luck" for simliar PC reasons!!!) But sadly even a lily-livered, left-leaning, pinko anti-capitalist like me is scared of raising the issue because of the fallout. A while back I sacked someone who was not even just bad at their job but was honestly a liability. He happened to be asian. Yes, I was taken to an ET, but we nailed it, and had evidence of his uselessness. I am absolutely clear that my actions were rooted in his poor performance and I am actually rather glad I had the b**ls to take it head on!!! But it isn't easy, so I am not an idiot about it. but it does matter that we police our attitudes and ensure that we are, in reality, pursuing an anti-racist agenda, for all the right reasons.