The post you are reporting:
I think its a litle bit more complicated than you suggest.
In the main as you say children are unlike adults and do mix more easily, but having been part of a youth club we didd have some ethnic minorities come along but one was a bully, then there was the launguage barrier, then there was the tensions between the local community and these families.
I could go on, but the problem realy is, how can people be educated to understand these people are here and unlikely to move, so its bes to work together for brighter community, It can be achieved with the wil on both parts, but i dont see that comittment at the moment,
In the very early days we held a public meeting on ayslum and the problems in priory which resulted in the then home sec(jack straw)visited Dover to meet local people, some of the situations got better, but still there are problems
children not in school, launguge barriers, local community not willing to work together,
Ihope in time agencies will get together with locals and we can move forward, but by some of the comments I hear by local people at the moment i think its a long way off.