My beauty sleep was awoken at 5.01 am by four hot and fast motorcyclists revving up like mad outside the Premier Travel Inn ( Millers). I you have to rev up like that at 5 am, it will have woken up all the families sleeping peacefully in the the Hotel and will have given a few crochety oul geezers in The Gateway a heart murmur or two. It woke me up n all, although I didnt get the heart murmur, but then Im young and sprightly! WE are here and we are letting everyone know! was the message from the bikers.
These guys, not interested in riding anywhere below 100 MPH, came blasting down the seafront at fearsome pace last night. These bikes do 190mph nowadays. A bobby happened to be walking down same seafront and he came after them his little legs going like the clappers!. Oh it is a funny sight seeing a bobby chasing after fast motorcyclists on foot.
As they were staying and therefore parking in the Hotel he caught up with them there and gave them a telling off. The motorcyclists werent youngsters.
Anyway they did the same thing this morning so the lecture from the law didnt change the habits of a lifetime...and are now resting aboard a ferry before blasting through France at breakneck speed.
It has an element of excitement to it I must admit. But then I would say that wouldnt Ive been known to throw me leg over now and again...(ermmm thats enough of that PaulB! we dont want to know your murky habits!