Well, a massive thank you to Vic & Lesley and Colin for taking the trouble to come to Canterbury to see the show - I hope you were impressed with what you saw. For the record, in terms of takings it was by far and away the busiest show The Fabric Fairy has attended in the 8 years I've been doing this sort of thing, and the bank manager will be a happy bunny when I deposit the takings tomorrow!
The downside of this weekend is that we missed the Rolls Royce weekend which I understand to have been a great success, and congratulations to the organisers for a job well done.
A personal thank you also to Vic, Lesley and Colin; my car broke down on Friday
- the power steering failed, and the repair bill isn't small, but you guys taking the time and trouble to come and see the show fair lifted my spirits. Thank you again, it really was greatly appreciated.
The Oast Quilters' Showcase is held every two years, and this year was the first time the event has moved from its former home in the Westgate Hall in Canterbury City Centre to Simon Langton School for Boys on the periphery of the City. It's really gratifying to be able to report that record numbers visited this year, almost double the number that came in 2008, despite the move from the city centre. The visitor from farthest afar was a lady from Tromso in Northern Norway! With luck, 2012 will attract even more visitors, including some more from Dover!