Sorry I have been MIA of late, I recently published a book on that local nuisance (apart from bins) - abandoned shopping trolleys. It's a humorous arty book called Off my Trolley with an important message. It is estimated that 10,000 new trolleys are stolen every year and many of these end up abandoned. The cost of replacement for retailers is around £80 per trolley. Dealing with the removal, storage and disposal of abandoned trolleys also places a considerable burden on local authorities. Preventing trolleys from leaving a site is always the preferred approach, though this is not always possible, for example where customers choose to take shopping to their homes. Whilst I've been photographing them for the last year, I've had a lot of people approach me and ask if I am from the Council. Initially I used to say no, it's for a book, but as most rolled their eyes, muttered and ran away from me as fast as they could, I let them think I was. I guess I did look funny crawling around, leaping out of the car or climbing walls to get shots! Anyway last week it hit the press, I made 8 papers including the Sun, did 2 radio shows, a photo shoot and magazine interview.