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While I respect your views and your right to hold them - completely - I would question anyone who felt any party had the answers to our ills. All political parties are, in the end, pursuing one goal - power. The power that is so attractive to them is, generally, not attractive for altruistic reasons. Therefore we, the unwashed masses, need to have in place some safeguards and safety nets that protect our interests and those of our neighbours, with whom we may disagree. One way to diminish "our" ability to do this is to reduce real education and limit access. That, in effect, is what tuition fees do.
Many of the "mickey mouse" degrees currently taken up are a sop to the masses: produce a degree and feel satisfied. But the degree earned, while valid to a point and useful to a point, has not been "educational" in the real sense. when I was being educated (a traditional "classics" education) it was an opportunity to learn about learning as much as about subjects - an opportunity to expand ones horizons and think about things in na different way. My son is experiencing a similar education in an academic arena. Many people do not have that opportunity. Thuis is the result of political manipulation and we are diminished because of it. I feel strongly about this!! And it doesn't matter a jot or tittle which Party did it - thay are all colluding with it.