Whitfield airfield (which didn't exist for every long) was somewhere vaguely 'behind the Archer pub'. Bob says this (above picture inserted by Sid) - the house seems to appear in several old photographs of aircraft there in the early 1900s.
The centenary of Harriet Quimby's flight WILL be celebrated in 1012!
Pioneers include:
2009 the Bleriot flight was celebrated;
2010 This year saw the centenaries of
de Lesseps (celebrated by two replicas flying over to Waldershare airstrip in May),
Rolls centenary (two-way flight) in June, which was celebrated in Dover,
and on Aug 21 this year at Tilmanstone village hall there will be a (small) aircraft exhibition to celebrate the FIRST PASSENGER FLIGHT over the Channel by John Moisant
on 17 Aug 1910, when he landed at Telegraph Farm, Tilmanstone. (More about that later).
Harriet Quimby's flight centenary will be in the spring of 2012.
Giacinta Bradley Koontz of Arizona 86301 USA contacted me after seeing the Bleriot section on the Dover Society website.
She is a researcher of pioneer aviators, and has written books, especially about Harriet Quimby.
Look at Giacinta's website:
Giacinta is hoping to organise some special event in Dover or Whitfield to mark the centenary and celebrate pioneering women aviators.
She would like some sort of plaque to be installed perhaps near to the Bleriot memorial, which Harriet visited before her Channel flight.
Harriet, like many of the aviation pioneers, lost her life flying. Her Channel flight was in the Spring of 1912,
quote from Harriet's account of the flight (she was a journalist): 'So I arranged to have the Bleriot monoplane shipped across to Dover at once and wired the Mirror to have its photographers and reporters meet me at the Hotel Lord Warden, at Dover. It was vitally important that nothing should be known of my contemplated journey, so the machine was shipped very secretly to the aerodrome on Dover heights, about three miles back from the channel, a fine, smooth ground from which to make a good start.
(The Aerodrome referred to was of course Whitfield airfield)
Harriet died on 1 July 1912 in a flying accident.