Dover might have its drawbacks but at least we have an amount of free speech and expression unlike those who live anywhere in London close to an Olympic venue.
Under the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 the Olympic Delivery Authority are empowered to set up their own uniformed force who are empowered to act anywhere in the vicinity of a games venue or Olympic Zil route. They have also been empowered to break into your home, seize and detain you on the street and remove or destroy your property. For why? You may ask
Well, not just for the heinous offence of displaying a commercial brand other than the official Olympics sponsors. Oh No! This legislation prohibits any protest or display at all contrary to the games and the massive disruption and upheaval they will cause.
As s.19(4) states, powers may be exercised in respect of any non-commercial advertising and against announcements or notices of any kind. s.19 (5) states this will cover the distribution or provision of documents or articles, the display or projection of words, images, lights or sounds and even spoof adverts or logos of Olympics sponsors. So whether you put an anti-Olympics poster in your bedroom window, or just stand at your front door shouting at the Zil cavalcade as it races past the closed-off streets, you're liable.
For breaching the regulations, you face a fine of up to £20,000 and are also liable to pay costs - wait for it - to the ODA's private army for the trouble and expense of breaking into your house and tearing up your anti-Olympics poster.