DDC Press Release ************
Dover District Council is teeing up for next year's Open Golf Championship at Sandwich by topping up their database of available accommodation in the area. If you have extra room and are interested in accommodating visitors during the competition, and bringing in a little extra income, the Open Golf Office wants to hear from you.
In 2003, a total of 183,000 visitors came to the Open from all over the world, pushing the attendance into the top ten of the Open Championship during its 132 year history. The Open is returning to Sandwich from 14-17 July 2011.
The Royal and Ancient Golf Club has once again appointed Dover District Council's Open Golf Office as the official centre for bookings for serviced (on a B&B basis) accommodation for the Sandwich Open. Colebrook Sturrock are the official agents for property lettings over the period of the Open. DDC's Open Golf Office will charge a £60 registration fee for a range of services and inclusion on the Open Golf website. The fee includes costs of an assessment visit and administration.
Gillian Gayton, Project Manager, said: "The Open is a major event, bringing thousands of visitors into the district. A professional accommodation booking service for visitors will be offered - if anyone would like to offer temporary accommodation for this period, particularly in the Deal and Sandwich areas, we would be delighted to hear from them."
Cllr Nigel Collor, DDC Cabinet Member said: "We are delighted to welcome the Open Golf Championship back to Sandwich. Discussions are underway with a number of key partners for this prestigious event, and we will be liaising with local people and the wider community on how they will be able to benefit from this event being held in the area."
For more information, or to request an application form, please contact (01304) 240477 or email
opengolf@dover.gov.uk or log onto