The post you are reporting:
I have had a meeting with Charles Walker and asked the question at the last full Council when it was going to come clean over Play spaces,and I have the listed which I am told will be made clearer very soon over what is happening to play areas.
Sue I think your 75 areas included cemetaries not the ideal place to play although I once ........................ better stop there.
But I can tell you that play areas will shut as Keith and I have told you,some have already had equipment removed,others run down until they are dangerous.
The site in the Clarendon area is still in discussion and although I was told that discussions are ongoing on 1 site,I understand that that has already changed.
Lots of the sites are being'offered' to Town and Parish Councils,but that does mean that some will be double rated,let me explain that,you pay at the moment through your Council Tax for the play areas now,when 'offered' to your Town or Parish you will not get a rebate on your Council Tax,but you can bet the Town or Parish will charge you for your 'new' play area.Take Guston the Parish Council will aquire the site and next year your rates will go up to pay for the management of that site,well that site will be divided by the cost to every house in Guston.
Green areas are a right to us all, and as various people have said there is little to do for youngsters,Yes I am pleased that the Pencester Play area is looking good,but don't be fooled,this money didn't come from the Council it came from a lottery grant,but of course you will never make green areas pay for themselves and they shouldn't as they for everyones recreation.But the problem is in someways with Pencester is having all those young children in the same area as some of our wino friends is not the best situation,that is like having a play area in a pub!
That should perk up the debate!