Having read the published, 'Strategy for Play' I would like to add that (despite all the hard work I am sure went into it) it is full of innaccuracies and as such provides a poor basis for decision making. In the report it lists three playgrounds in Town and Pier of which one is run down, one had the equipment removed years ago, and is usually overgrown with brambles, while the third is in Priory, Elms Vale and Maxton and has also been stripped of equipment. Keith is right on both his main points (somebody shoot me now), we do need youth representation and stripping these play areas will only create greater problems in the future. As I understand it at the moment DDC has been talking to town councils about the play areas but with the idea that they will own them and decide their fates while the town councils will pay for their upkeep. This would severely limit the options of the town councils in long term planning for them.