I think if I heard the news that someone with a gun had gone beserk up at the student finance england centre, the way I`m feeling at the moment, I would wonder who my sympathy would lie with, the victims or the gunman? Sounds bad, well they`re doing their best to kill me off with stress with their utter incompetance which is costing all of you as well as me lots of wasted public money. And, if this student finance england is representative of all government departments then no wonder this country is in such an appalling mess!!! I sent a form off to Darlington 3 weeks ago showing my wife does not work, then yesterday, she got 2 seperate letters, both from Glasgow asking, yes, you`ve guessed it, what are her yearly earnings for the current year? With it came another set of passwords and logon details so it can all be done on the internet. Yes, done it all again and after 3 goes and not recognising the reference number, the alternative is the phone, which means holding the line for 20 mins while the phone companies rake it in, and when you`re through, being told they`re sorry, and they`ll get another form out to you. Me vote, you must be joking!!!!!!!!!!!