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Most of you have seen on the T.V. over the last few weeks of the way our brave fishing men go out in their small Trawlers in all weathers just to get fish back to our mainland.
Well I think they are not geting a good deal,over the pass few weeks we have been seeing them go out when the weather has been very bad and they stayout there still trying to get a good catch if they do not get one then they do not get paid,some of their boats cost about 2million punds tobuy,they get them them with loans etc and at this time they are fineing it very hard to get a living out of it,but that is all they know and their familys before them.Also they can only go out 36days ayear they, they can only fish for so much Cod and must make it up with other fish,they even have to put the Cod back into the sea if they are to small or have gone over the top with their catch,but the fish are dead when they put them back,this can not be right.
Also last week a fishman came back with some Cod and he was over the top,and this is a person who had a crew to pay and also pay back some of his loan,also he had to do some repairs at sea and lost two of his nets, so you could say he had his back to the wall,and what happen to this poor man when he got back to the U.K.did he get any help to help him in anyway,or let off a month with his payment,It was a no to that he got 4MONTHS IN JAIL is that the right thing to do ,he was only trying to get a living for him and his crew and that was not the last of it,he had his boat taken off him.I think it is time to let our fishing men go out alot more and fish the seven seas all the rest do it we are the only one keeping to the rules and that is not fair .i would like to know how you all feel about this? Do you think it is time that they gave more help to our fishing men?
I remain your s faithfully Vic Matcham Just to had to this story it all happen at Xmas last year I found that all very sad not only for him but all the familys to, H