Howard I would like to report that I am now completely unwindable, I have no interest any more.
I have to say I find the whole thing laughable now, The river has been taken away from the public, when it suits the Agency.
They rely on unpaid employment and believe me it aint light work, they can't supply any one to monitor the fishing or anything else, they leave it to overgrow and get on with it, they think it is wonderful.
2 years from now all we'll have left is an overgrown ditch.
Please remember this thread in the future when more of the public start shouting about it.
Re the CCTV Ed, I checked this with the ASBO unit some years ago and I'm afraid to say it is a big NO NO.
You won't hear a peep about this subject from me again. And that is a promise. I've washed my hands of the whole thing.