And here are the two men in question Howard...Gordon and Roger with Charles Stewart Rolls in between. Roger has had computer problems thats why he has been quiet. He usually gives us a report on the Neighbourhood Forum meetings for example which we missed this time...but Roger said yesterday that the latest one on Litter was very well attended.
I did manage to get a good number of jobs done which Jean was very happy about and I'm half-way through some of them so can't spend as much time posting, it has to be painting.
Gordon was very supportive of all the work I have tried to do for Dover and the good work I did as Dover Business Support Manager and what a shame I was stopped from making further progress for the Town and businesses.
It's a problem when everything I say on what should or could be done, is then interpreted as sour-grapes, kind of shuts you up - so I have !
No need to silence yourself mate. You can still make your observations, but drop the, what were becoming, frequent references to the Coc, DBSM and those who chose to take a different course. Good to have you back posting again.