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Sid - where on earth do you get that idea that Cameron is some kind of EU convert...
The opposite in fact.
1/ He said we would have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, no caveats.
2/ Referenda on any and all further proposals to transfer power to the EU
3/ The repatriation of powers from the EU
The entire thrust of this is in the opposite direction to what the EU stands for with its centralising of power and the concentrating of it in the hands of the political elite,
Keith - localism and getting away from big Government, opposition to nannying, rules and red tape are all meat and drink to Conservatives.
Mrs T's policies of privatisation, right to buy, ending subsidy and interference in industry etc were themselves a move away from the State. DC is now taking this much much further. In some respects Mrs T's solutions to the problems of the 80's did remove some discretion from Councils so you are corrrect in that, but is a contrast to many other policies that were in the opposite direction. Now the time is right for radical changes, including the way Councils are financed.
This is a reaction to Labours top heavy apporach that has so dismally failed.
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